Monday, December 11, 2006

The Audacity of Hope is great! Barack Obama has given me a perspective on politics that I've never known before. He is thoughtful, impassioned, and truly engaged in the entire process. His book left me with the same feeling I had after reading Franklin's autobiography- that real change is possible, and within my reach. My favorite part is where he explains the workings of constitutional law in a way that makes it seem like the most interesting thing in the world. Also, I like it where he says that his wife can rack up parking tickets like nobody's business. :-)

He admits to having had a relatively easy ride to the Senate, and perhaps because of this, many people ask if he has what it takes to persevere in a tough national contest. What I wonder is why there isn't more emphasis on whether he has what it takes to be a good President (as opposed to just a good campaigner). It's depressing that fundraising ability and battle scars take precident over message. I suppose there's a good reason for this though. I cringe just thinking of the vicious attacks he'll have to endure if he decides to run. I'd like to think that most Americans are as sick of nasty bickering as me, and that Obama will rise above it all.


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